Condições para Submissão
Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.- A contribuição é original e inédita e não se encontra sob revisão ou para publicação junto de outra revista. Caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".
- Os ficheiros para submissão encontram-se em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF.
- Quando disponíveis, foram fornecidos URLs para as referências.
- O texto está em espaço simples; usa fonte de 12 pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
- O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Instruções para Autores, na secção Sobre a Revista.
Anonymity for peer review: Ensure your identity and that of your co-authors are not revealed in the text of your article or in your manuscript files when submitting the manuscript for review.
Title: Use bold for your article title, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
Abstract: Indicate the abstract paragraph with the heading ABSTRACT, max. 200 words.
Keywords: Please provide five or six keywords to help readers find your article.
Headings: Please indicate the level of the section headings in your article.
First-level headings (e.g. Introduction, Conclusion) with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
Second-level headings with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
Third-level headings should be in italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
Fourth-level headings should also be in italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a full stop (full point) or other punctuation marks.
Tables and figures: Tables and figures are placed within the text at the appropriate points. The tables and figures should also be supplied in a separate file. Ensure you have permission to use any figures you are reproducing from another source.
Checklist: what to include
Author details: All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page. Where available, please also include ORCiDs. One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address normally displayed in the article PDF and the online article. Authors’ affiliations are the affiliations where the research was conducted. If any of the named co-authors moves affiliation during the peer-review process, the new affiliation can be given as a footnote. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after your paper is accepted.
Funding details: Please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies as follows:
For single-agency grants
This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].
For multiple agency grants
This work was supported by the [Funding Agency #1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency #2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency #3] under Grant [number xxxx].
Disclosure statement: This is to acknowledge any financial interest or benefit that has arisen from the direct applications of your research.
Data availability statement: If there is a data set associated with the paper, please provide information about where the data supporting the results or analyses presented in the paper can be found. Where applicable, this should include the hyperlink, DOI or other persistent identifier associated with the data set(s).
Figures: Figures should be high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour, at the correct size). Figures should be supplied in one of our preferred file formats: JPEG, GIF, or Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX).
Tables: Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.
Equations: If you are submitting your manuscript as a Word document, please ensure that the equations are editable.
Units: Please use SI units (non-italicized).
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You must obtain the necessary permission to reuse third-party material in your article. The use of short extracts of text and some other types of material is usually permitted, on a limited basis, for the purposes of criticism and review without securing formal permission. If you wish to include any material in your paper for which you do not hold copyright, and which is not covered by this informal agreement, you will need to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission.
Declaração de Direitos de Autor
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European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation (EJTHR) is an international electronic journal on tourism, hospitality, recreation and food service research. The materials are provided for the personal non-commercial use of EJTHR’s readers, Online full-text articles are free. Copies of articles may be distributed for research or educational purpose, without permission. However, commercial use of the EJTHR or the articles contained herein is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher.
Similarity Check Plagiarism Screening System
The editorial board participates in a growing community of Similarity Check System users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.
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