Benchmarking of tourism products and implementation in Galicia


  • Belén Castro University­ of­ Santiago­ de­ Compostela
  • Montserrat Iglesias University­ of­ Santiago­ de­ Compostela
  • María José Piñeira University­ of­ Santiago­ de­ Compostela
  • Valerià Paül University­ of­ Santiago­ de­ Compostela


benchmarking, sustainable tourism, success stories, Galicia


Benchmarking could be defined as the systematic process of identifying, comparing and learning from the best practices or successful experiences of a particular sector in diverse geographical areas by disaggregating and analysing in an orderly manner the set of factors that condition their success. The outcome of this process helps improve key processes of a sector or adapt those practices that after a long search have been proven successful, to other areas. This study has gathered, in an orderly and synthetic manner, diverse successful experiences that guarantee a sustainable model for tourism from a social, environmental and economic point of view. These experiences fall under four types of tourism: cultural or heritage tourism, urban tourism, language learning tourism and rural tourism. In total, over forty success stories were analysed, ten per type, in twelve different European countries: Italy, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Poland, Germany, Greece, Norway, Austria and Ireland. on the other hand, this benchmarking of tourist products has allowed us to develop applicability models for other geographic realities, but above all, for the tourism reality of Galicia.


