Dear Author,
We are pleased to invite you to submit your paper to the European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation (EJTHR, Web of Science – Emerging Citation Index), which is managed by the Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CiTUR, Portugal) for consideration in an upcoming issue dedicated to Digital transformation in tourism, hospitality and marketing.
The rapid evolution of digital technologies is reshaping the landscape of tourism, hospitality, and marketing. Emerging trends such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, blockchain, and virtual reality are transforming consumer experiences, operational processes, and strategic decision-making. Digital transformation is not only about the adoption of new technologies but also about redefining business models, enhancing customer engagement, and improving operational efficiency. Understanding the interplay between technological advancements, practices, and education is crucial for staying competitive in this rapidly evolving landscape. This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted impact of digital transformation on these sectors and practices, fostering academic debate and advancing knowledge in this dynamic field.
Manuscripts should be no longer than 7000 words and must be submitted by 15th April 2025. All submissions will undergo anonymous (double-blind) peer review to ensure a fair and rigorous evaluation process. Only the papers deemed of high quality will be considered for publication.
To help us plan the review process effectively, we kindly ask that you send us a declaration of intention by 7th March, together with a 300-word abstract, indicating whether you plan to submit a paper by the deadline. This is not a binding commitment but will assist us in organising the review timeline.
Submission Guidelines:
- Manuscripts must follow the EJTHR submission and style guidelines (available at: European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation; see also enclosed templates for cover page and manuscript). Please note that papers not following the guidelines will not start the reviewing process.
- Papers should be anonymized for double-blind review.
- Authors must confirm that their work is original and not under review elsewhere.
- The reviewing process will follow a two-step procedure:
- Submission via the conference email ( with the subject heading: ‘Submission to special issue’ until 15th April;
- Editors proceed with desk selection of papers, which will follow the reviewing process;
- Authors are notified of the decision from desk selection, and selected papers are resubmitted via the journal’s website and are sent to reviewers;
- Each anonymised paper is reviewed by two independent reviewers who will assess the papers as follows: accepted, accepted with minor amendments, accepted with major amendments, and rejected.
- Authors will be notified of reviewers’ decisions and asked to amend their paper accordingly and resubmit.
Please note that the complete process from initial submission until publication in the EJTHR might take up to 12 months.
We look forward to receiving your declaration of intention and abstract and, hopefully, your full submission by the deadline.
If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please feel free to reach out.
We look forward to receiving your manuscript!
Best regards,
Margarida C. Santos (1 3)
Filipa Perdigão Ribeiro (2 3)
Marisol B. Correia (1 2 3)
Nélson Matos (1 2 3)
Editors of special issue
1CinTurs, 2 CiTUR Algarve, 3 Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal